Dates |
Important Moments
in Ursuline History |
Important Events in
Church and World History |
Approx. 1474 |
Birth of Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursulines, in Desenzano,
Lombardy (Northern Italy). |
1468 - Death of Gutenberg, the typographer. With Fust, he prints the Bible.
1473 - Birth of Copernicus, the father of modern astronomy. |
Between 1484 and 1490 |
Angela loses both father and mother. |
1490 - 1500 |
She lives with her uncle in Salo. Angela
becomes a Franciscan Tertiary. She has a vision: «You will found a company of virgins in
Brescia...» |
1494 - Beginning of the «Italian Wars» with Charles VIII.
Discovery of America. Era of the great painters:
Michelangelo, Titian, Raphael, Memling, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli.
Building of the great French chateaux, etc. |
1516 |
While in Brescia, Angela lives in the homes of different families. |
1512 - Brescia is beseiged and sacked by French troops. 1515 - Birth of Theresa of Avila.
1517 - Luther breaks with Rome. |
1518 - 1532 |
Period of Angela's pilgrimages:
- Mantua (1518);
- Holy Land (1524)
- Mont Varallo (3 trips between 1528-1532)
- Rome, for the Jubilee. Audience with Pope Clement VII (1525) |
1519 - Magellan sets out on his first world tour. 1527 - Rome is sacked by the army of Charles V.
1531- Pizarro (Spain) conquers Peru and Chile.
1532 - Cortez (Spain) conquers Mexico. |
November 25
1536 |

Founding of the Company of St. Ursula (Ursulines)
by Angela Merici
Episcopal approval of the Ursulines. |
1534 - Founding of the Company of Jesus (Jesuits) by Ignatius of
Loyola. 1534 - Jacques Cartier (France) discovers Canada.
1536 - Calvin and French Protestantism. |
January 27 |
Angela Merici dies.
(She will be beatified in 1768 and canonized in 1807.) |
1540 - Papal Bull of Paul III approving the Jesuit foundation. |
1544 |
Papal Bull of Paul III approving Angela's Company of St. Ursula. |
1545 - Opening of the Council of Trent. |
1566 |
In Milan, first incidence of Ursulines living together as a
community. |
Influence of Charles Borromeo on Ursuline life. |
1592 |
First Ursuline establishment in France (Avignon). Having received a
copy of Angela's Rule from an Italian priest, the Bishop of Avignon gives it to a group of
young women. |
1599 |
Marie Guyart (Marie of the Incarnation) is born in Tours,
France. |
1607 |
At the age of 7, Marie has a dream:
«Will you be mine?» Jesus asks her. «Yes», she answers.

Marie of the Incarnation (Marie Guyart)'s dream, aged seven
1608 |
Founding of Quebec by Champlain (France). |
1612 |
The Company of St. Ursula becomes a religious Order in Paris. |
1618 |
Marie Guyart weds Claude Martin. |
1622 |
Beginning of Ursuline expansion outside of France. |
1631 |
Widowed in 1619, Marie Guyart enters the Ursulines of Tours and
takes the name Marie of the Incarnation. |
1638 |
Birth of Louis XIV, future King of France (1643-1715), son of Louis
XIII and Ann of Austria. |
1639 |

Linden Wood Sculpture by Jean-Julien Bourgault, 1947
(Replica of a Monument by Émile Brunet)
- Marie of the Incarnation leaves for New France (Canada). While in
prayer, she had heard the words, «You must go there and build a house for Jesus and
Mary.» The trip lasts from May 4 to August 1, 1639.
- Founding of the Ursulines of Quebec. |
Before their departure, Marie of the Incarnation and her companions
are the guests of Ann of Austria. They have the privilege of seeing the Dauphin. |
1642-1649 |
Period of the Canadian Martyrs. |
1659 |
Arrival of Quebec's first bishop, Bishop Laval. |
1660 |
Louis XIV weds with Marie-Thérèse of Austria. |
1672 |
Marie of the Incarnation dies. |